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Chicago Aerial Map Mural Released with 700 New Market Data Points
The wait is finally over. After 700+ data updates, a new image base layer and 3 months of research and production, the 2015 Chicago Aerial Wall Mural has been released and is ready to be prominently displayed in lobbies, conference rooms, and offices throughout Chicago.
Landiscor is strategically expanding into new markets and has set its sights on the bright lights of Chicago. In a city that has long perfected the art of patient waiting, thanks to (cough) their beloved Cubs, businesses will no longer have to wait for a mapping product that firms in the Western United States have benefited from for decades. Why should the West have all the fun right?
Right now you may be intrigued enough to be asking yourself, what is an Aerial Wall Mural and why do we need one? Fair question. Imagine you are a local real estate developer and during a meeting with a potential new client they would like to see an overview of the market with your existing/planned developments plotted. Or maybe you are a land broker that is trying to communicate the current growth trends of your market. Perhaps you are a city government that is looking to explain the economic development opportunities to developers keen on investing within your municipality.
Look no further than Landiscor’s Aerial Wall Mural. Our unique, large-scaled maps have been helping companies grasp the full scope of their territory and become true market experts. We have all seen the statistic that 65% of individuals are visual learners. Capture the attention of these individuals. Tell them a story. But even more than that, show them the story. After all, would you be content with 65% of your potential business walking out the door without a true understanding of your market or your firm’s position within it?
The value of the Chicago Aerial Wall Mural is highlighted with Landiscor’s proprietary ten-layer market data model. This unique market information is ideal for commercial brokers, real estate developers, builders, utilities and governments. The image below overviews the application of this proprietary model that has been built over sixty years in the aerial mapping business.
To learn more about this new and exciting product please visit us at Chicago Aerial Wall Mural.